Hospitality Automation Consultants LTD.
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Services of HACL

Hospitality Automation Consultants Ltd. is unique in that we do not leave a project at its "soft opening", or system changes are still needed. Our clients have our guarantee that all systems will be integrated and operational as per our RFP. We provide 30 days of "after care" at no additional cost. Many of our clients retain our services after their opening, engaging us to take on the automation "system administrator" duties. This saves our clients substantial sums related to the hiring, training, and maintaining of an automation and telecommunications full time staff of its own. Not only does this substantially reduce costs, but it also assures full utilization of equipment. In many cases our clients have outsourced their entire IT and Telecom services to us, resulting in large savings for them, while reducing their own in-house staff.

We have a very unique policy:

Here is a sampling of the services we offer:

  • Point of Sale (POS)
  • Energy Management
  • Paging and Sound Systems
  • LAN and WAN Design, Feasability Studies
  • "Smart Buildings"
  • Casino Player Tracking
  • Casino Surveillance
  • SMATV/MATV Systems, CCTV
  • Electronic Door Locking Systems
  • Teleconferencing/Videoconferencing
  • Project Management/Critical Path Responsibilities
  • Call accounting systems for converging networks.
  • Telecommunications-PBX (Voice and Data - Wireless and Hard Wired)
  • PBX Fraud and Abuse Prevention
  • Call Centers/ACD Application
  • Telephone Billing Optimization Studies
  • Central Reservations Systems
  • Computer Telephone Integration
  • Long Range Strategic Planning
  • Property Management Systems (PMS)
  • Telephone Call Accounting (TCA)
  • Answer Detection and Voice Mail
  • New Products Analysis and Planning
  • Assistance in acquiring financing or leasing

This list represents only an outline of our services. We would be more than pleased to meet with you and your personnel and describe in greater detail more specific information on how we can be of benefit to you.

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